Florida is currently 2 to 3 inches below its usual rainfall totals for this time of year. While it isn’t experiencing true droughts but only experiencing increased fire hazards. Fortunately, the rainy season is around the bend, and is desperately needed. During the rainy season, which spans from late May to early October, people normally receive two-thirds of the yearly rainfall.
The rainy season quickly arrives in certain years, while the monsoon season evolves over time in others, according to the National Weather Service of Florida. The rainy season normally begins in mid-to-late May. Because of continuous high pressure and dry air through the southeast, the annual rainfall has gotten off to a late start this year. People experience a peak rainstorm season during the rainy season, which runs from July 1 until mid-September. For peak rainstorm season to occur, several things must come together: the island's high-pressure system must form, offshore global average temperatures must be above 82°, moisture at elevated amounts over us must be available, and dew points at the ground must be in the low 70s or higher.

Three phases of Rainy season
There are three stages to a typical rainy season:
•    Late May and early July are the rainiest months of the year, with devastating wind gusts, thunderstorms, tornadoes, lightning, hailstorm, and floods all possible dangers.
•    The weather is significantly less stormy from early July to early September, although it is still hot, humid, and rainy.
•    Potential tropical storms and early autumn cold fronts control rainfall quantities from mid-September to early October. As an outcome, rainfall totals change very dramatically from year to year.
Long-range prediction models indicate that moisture and humidity will return to the forecast throughout the holiday weekend. This, along with the growing sea breeze, will result in sporadic possibilities for afternoon showers, suggesting a slow start to the monsoon season.

Water restrictions
Residents who irrigate their lawns should enjoy the benefits of the next summer's rainy season, according to the Southwest Florida Water Management District. Yards only need half to three-quarters of an inch deep every 2 to 3 days throughout the warmer months of June, July, August, and September. The easiest method to tell if the lawn contains water is to look for the following visual indicators:
•    On at least one-third of the yard, grass blades are placed side by side lengthwise.
•    Grass blades have a blue-gray appearance.
•    Grass blades do not spring back after being walked on, keeping footprints on the ground for several minutes.
When "watching the weather, waiting to water," keep these pointers in mind:
•    If the lawn is in desperate need of water, check the weather prediction to see if rain is in the forecast.
•    To find out how much rain has fallen in the yard, use a rain gauge.
•    Check to see if the soil moisture sensor is functioning properly.
•    Use the rain for the benefit. Ensure that gutter discharges flow into landscaped areas or the lawn.
•    To collect surplus rainwater, set up efficient water. If the lawn is in desperate need of water, check the weather prediction to see if rain is in the forecast.

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When is raining season in Florida?