Anyone who has visited a beach knows how salty the water is. Freshwater from rain, rivers, and even snow is not salted, as everyone knows. The solution may be deduced from two hints. To begin with, "fresh" water isn't completely devoid of dissolved salt. Even rainfall contains dissolved remnants of chemicals taken up during transit through the environment. The majority of the stuff that "washes out" of the atmosphere nowadays is pollution, although natural chemicals are also present. Moisture dissolves certain minerals when it flows through soil and trickles through rocks, a process known as weathering. This is the freshwater people drink, and because the salt concentration is so low, we can't taste it. This water finally hits a stream and travels into reservoirs and the ocean, carrying a modest load of dissolved minerals or salts. In around 200 to 300 million years, all of the world’s largest rivers' dissolved salts would match the salt in the oceans.

Dissolved salts are not just found in rivers. Elements on the crests of oceanic ridges were identified around twenty years ago that changed the understanding of how the water became salty. These landforms, known as hydrothermal vents, are locations on the ocean bottom where saltwater that has infiltrated into the oceanic crust's rocks has heated up and disintegrated some of the crust's elements have now flowed back into the ocean. The hot water brings a considerable level of dissolved minerals with it. According to current estimates of the number of hydrothermal fluids pouring from these vents, the whole volume of the seas might seep through the oceanic lithosphere in around 10 million years. As a result, this process has a significant impact on salinity.

Will the rivers keep becoming saltier?
Unlikely. In reality, the water has had roughly the same salinity for hundreds of millions, if not billions, of decades. The salt concentration has reached a stable level. As rapidly as rivers and hydrothermal activities provide new minerals, dissolved substances are being taken from saltwater to build new minerals at the ocean's base.

What is the difference between fresh and salt water?
•    River water is primarily rainwater that is constantly flowing or has been absorbed by the soil. Rainwater does not contain any salt. Clouds use unsalted vapor to send rain to the ground. Rivers are always flowing. Elements and salt are collected from the rocks they travel over. Rivers flow towards the sea, and when river water interacts with sea water, salt is introduced.
•    Since river flows are regularly replenished with new water from rain and springtime, they do not have a saline flavor. The ocean, on the other hand, gathers all of the salt and nutrients in river water. Minerals found on the ocean floor disintegrate in the water, increasing the saltiness of the water.
•    The rate of evaporation begins when the sun's heat causes the water in the ocean to evaporate and form vapors. Since salt is too dense to produce vapor, it is left behind when sea water evaporates. As a result, the ocean water becomes salty.

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Why Sea Water salty