Recently we participated in the annual neighborhood BBQ. Slowly, the square behind our house filled with tables and chairs. We also put our stuff down. There were lights, but it was still light, so they weren't on. One of my kids thought the decoration was a bit scant. But. the solution was there. She had been crafting garlands herself with lyrics like 'welcome' and 'fine BBQ'. They were hanging above our table and so we had immediate claims to neighbors.

This' incident 'reminded me of this statement:

“Life is a party. You just have to hang up the garlands yourself'

How do you explain that statement? Often I read statements along the lines of: making the most of them. Doing fun things can help you mute the annoying things. I think there's a bit in that. In the survival of every day, with all the challenges involved, there's quite a bit of trouble coming at you. You can get kicking out of the field. You can use a statement like this to upyourself or others: come on, look at the fun things! Look at what you do have, what's going well. Not to cover up the nasty sides of life, but to stay optimistic and find strength to continue.

There's another side to the verdict. I sometimes notice the attitude — including myself — that we people think we have a right to something. I have a right to success. I have a right to health. I have a right to be happy. Then there are beautiful, desirable things, but it doesn't always come on its own. It's very easy to yell that something isn't right, that you miss something, that you disagree with something. Or you can — as I learned from my own child — put your hands off your sleeves and hang the garlands. And who knows, life will be a party, too.!


Every day's survival — tip 4 — Hang the garlands yourself
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