Last Monday I was allowed to pick up my paper after school. My doctor won't let me go to school yet, so I still work at home. The teacher said she liked it very well. I got a flower for my parents as a thank you for helping me work at home. I liked to see the teacher. It wasn't until I got home that I went to see what the teacher had written about my paper. I got an EXCUL. If it was a number, it was a 10! The teacher wrote the following:Wout, I'm very proud of you. I read your paper with great interest and learned from it. Compliments to your preface and afterword. In this you clearly show that you have put a lot of energy and interest in your work!I'm really super proud of my paper.

Yesterday I had to go to the hospital. The doctor told me to smear an ointment, but it's mean stuff, 'cause it could make me flu-like. It does something to my immune system. I have to smear it for 6 weeks. I ran into Annelies and was very happy to see her.
Annelies takes care of everything for the kids at the hospital. Sophia TV and events, but also other things like the Children's Advisory Board. I've been wanting to sign up for the Children's Advisory Board for a long time, and I told her that. Annelies was very excited, and I'm allowed to be on the board. I can't wait because I have a lot of ideas. Annelies also said that the council can think along about what the new hospital will look like.

This week Dad, Emma, Elfi and I worked hard on my boat. All the round wood we sanded and varnished. Roundwood is the name for the mast, the boom and the gaff. Every day a new layer of paint comes on. Hopefully the boat will be completely finished this weekend. Mom and Dad told me that they used to have manual labor every week in elementary school and often worked with wood. I'm really sorry I don't get that in school. Because working with wood is really fun. At our school once or twice a year someone comes to do something creative with us and that's almost always with clay. I can't wait for high school, because then you get technique, and I think that's a lot of fun. I also like chemistry, Physics, Biology and History. I really like doing the tests. With the open days I followed these courses and that was really fun! #uitmuntend #ziekenhuis #werkstuk #zeilboot #rondhout #schuren #lakken #kinderadviesraad