The well-seasoned fried fish is delicious as accompanied by a good salad and your favorite sauce


1 kilo of fish
1 tablespoon well-crushed garlic
1 large lemon juice 1/2 teaspoon ground cumin,
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1/2 teaspoon ground onion powder

Salt and pepper to taste

In addition:
1 cup all-purpose flour (or more flour if required)
2 tablespoons of sesame seeds (sesame)
1/2 teaspoon sweet paprika


Wash and then rinse thoroughly and dry chop into pieces
Mix garlic with lemon, cumin, paprika, with a pinch of salt and pepper in a deep bowl.
Then season the fish with the mixture on all sides .
Place the flour in a separate bowl with sesame seeds season salt, pepper and sweet paprika, stirring all the ingredients thoroughly .

We pass the pieces of fish through flour until they are completely covered on all sides, shaken to remove the extra flour.

Heat the oil in a deep skillet over medium - high heat, fry the fish in batches until golden brown on all sides, then take out the fish we place it on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

To make them in the oven
We turn on the oven at 350 degrees F
Breaded pieces of fish are placed on a baking sheet, sprinkle with oil spray and let bake until golden brown on all sides, turn over so that they are golden brown well . Let bake until ready .

Serve hot fish nuggets.

And bon appetit!!!

Fish Nuggets (fried- baked)