#1 . Avocado

The beauty of the avocado is that it contains about 10-15% fat and is loaded with vitamin D, potassium, and other nutrients. This means that avocados can help moisturize your hair, grow strong strands and prevent breakage.

For example, if you typically use a blow-dryer to straighten your hair, switch to an avocado mask once a week — this will help protect your strands from heat damage while they're growing out. And as a bonus: thanks to the great amount of fat in avocados (almost 20%), they can also hydrate dry hair. And the last time I checked, no one wants split ends.

#2 . Olive Oil

Olive oil is more than just your grandmother's favorite condiment. For example, olive oil can help prevent harmful UV rays from damaging your hair by about 40%, which makes this ingredient a must for summertime.

If you're looking for a deep conditioning treatment that doesn't require several hours in the shower, try rinsing with a mixture of equal parts olive oil and water after shampooing, letting the mixture sit on your hair for 5-10 minutes before rinsing out. If you have an oily scalp, try mixing in two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar while your oil is still in its liquid state.

#3 . Yogurt

For centuries, women around the world have been using yogurt as a hair treatment of sorts, and for good reason: it works. Here's how to use this cosmetic wonder: After shampooing your hair, gather enough yogurt to coat your strands thoroughly after massaging it into each section.

Let this mixture sit on your locks for 5-10 minutes before rinsing out. You'll notice an immediate difference in your hair's appearance and feel — hair will be softer and less frizzy than before.

#4 . Honey

Honey is a natural, sweetener that's high in antioxidants that can help your hair look younger and healthier. For best results, try combing honey through your locks as a deep conditioner after shampooing. I find that it absorbs fairly quickly while also leaving a shine on your hair — not to mention the added benefit of preventing split ends!

#5 . Walnuts

Walnuts have been used for centuries by women around the world to nourish and make their hair shiny and healthy-looking. The good news: walnuts are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for maintaining moisture levels in your skin, hair, and nails.

#6 . Organic Eggs

Eggs are one of the few foods that contain more protein per ounce than steak, so you'll want to use them wisely. For example, if you're looking for a way to improve the appearance of thinning hair or reduce fine lines around your eyes and mouth, try pulling out all your eggs and cooking them into an egg yolk omelet. Not only will this help nourish your hair with essential vitamins and minerals that it needs while being grown, but this is a great way to use up all those loose ends from your last trim!

Foods that are healthy for hair