#yoorscoronapositivechallenge Hello all,

I don't have to tell you that the current circumstances are catastrophic, no one can deny the seriousness of the Coronavirus. The news explodes with one negative message after another. We are in a crisis.

On the other hand, I have been thinking a lot about these events and their consequences lately.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that what we are experiencing here in Belgium is far from comparable to what many countries have to endure every day, years at a time!

Here in Belgium, people do not realize enough that what we own is an incredible privilege!
For countries in war, poverty or dictatorship, these conditions are daily costs.

What do we do? We raid the supermarkets, become selfish, break through and even break into the cars of health care staff for mouth masks or disinfectant?!
What kind of hallucinatory behavior is this supposed to be?

Take a moment's thought about what we will have as consequences and look at people who will not get any help, have no money, live on the streets, live in war etc.
For me, this is a way of relativising and raising awareness of what we Must be thankful for every day!
Nothing is obvious, but our chances are more positive than anywhere else.
Do not be selfish and think about everything you can do to make it easier for others. Do shopping for your elderly neighbors, for your girlfriend who works as a nurse in the hospital and spread positivity and love!

Also the things you have time for now, like redecorating your garden, painting that wall, repairing that door, donating old clothes etc.. Make work of that now!
Parents who now have plenty of time to spend time with their children; please play or play!

Instead of listing everything that is negative about this crisis, work on your positivity and radiate it to others too! Together we stand strong!

Many dear, supportive greets,


From Corona to Insight.