#hobby I remember well than I was younger and I was home alone with my brother...

My parents at work... We wanted to bake a pancake... I was allowed to make the first one and it did not work, was immediately done with it. Oh, I was angry that I couldn't do it, and my brother cobbled them up like that.
Then I immediately knew that cooking was not and would become my thing.

After years of working in sales, I rolled out of need in the hospitality industry. With the idea, then I have something for now and I can look further.

On my first night, I walked with a full tray of champagne glasses, and you already guess... That went to. I bumped my foot against a raised edge of the floor and there everything went, full about the owner. Oh, my goodness, I felt redder and redder. I picked up all my courage, apologized and cleaned everything up quickly. Then I quickly went on with some smaller trays.

Forget the day quickly and the next day full of fresh courage.
And as if I had had a crash course at night, I was walking trays the night after like I'd never done anything else. And that felt so good, got more and more confident and got fun in it. But I didn't expect that!

From the ministry I went to the bar and took a quick course as a barista. That also didn't go without a blow, because I didn't have the patience to learn it. It just had to work right away... My stumbling block. But after a long time of practice and liters of milk I made the most beautiful coffees.
The longer it took and the more hours I went to work, the more I got the pleasure in the catering industry.

I had had had all sides in a couple of years. From the service to the bar, from bar to coffee bar, from coffee bar to hostess, from hostess to floor manager.

Until I got into a place where I got a lot of info from the serving side by my chef and got a lot of taste. Got more and more fun in advising and explaining dishes.

And now? Now I cook myself for an average of 18 to 25 people. No, definitely not a star level. But with all the knowledge I have gained in 15 years of hospitality and the love of preparing for the grateful people.

You can't always follow and pursue your dreams, but you can make the best of what you do now.

And I do!

From employee service to... 💖