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Can you die on willpower? Which part of the body undergoes the least wear in a lifetime? How many calories are in a turd? Why don't Inuit get scurvy? Are there Siamese triplets? How big is Donald Duck? Why does plastic not dry out of the dishwasher? When raw oysters die when you eat them? What was the biggest natural disaster ever? Can you photograph a fata morgana? And much more...
Can you die on willpower?
If it could, euthanasia would never be necessary again. The autonomic nervous system controls vital functions such as your heart, digestion and breathing. You can choose to stop breathing, but as soon as you faint, breathing starts again.. Meditation allows you to slow down the heart rate, but not stop. Beste manier is in hongerstaking gaan.

Which part of the body undergoes the least wear in a lifetime?
Biological organisms do not wear out! When you strain your body, muscles, tissues or bones become stronger. When a bone breaks it is repaired by the body and will never break in that same place again. Body parts actually get younger as your age grows.

How many calories are in a turd?
A cow has four stomachs, and rabbits, hamsters and other rodents eat their own feces on. The human body has a good digestive system, in a turd is 15% of the calories you ate. A turd consists of 70 percent water. The remaining dry matter contains 4.5 to 5.5 kilocalories per gram.

Why don't Inuit/Eskimos get scurvy?
Inuit eat little vegetables and should therefore receive less vitamin C. However, in the raw meat and organs they eat there is a lot of Vitamin C. In the Western world, we often eat muscle meat, which hardly contains vitamin c.

What is the most common favorite color in the world?
More than 50% of men have blue as their favorite color, women also prefer this color. Men: 1. Blue, 2. Green, 3. Black. Women: 1. Blue, 2. Purple, 3. Groen.

Are there Siamese triplets?
Worldwide there are a number of cases known of Siamese triplets. The longest living siamese triplets had 3 heads, two pairs of arms and legs and lived for 2 hours after birth.. The rest died before they were born. Siamese twins are also rare. In the Netherlands there is only one alive, Tjitske and Folkje de Vries. How do Siamese twins arise? There are two theories. 1. Stem cells accidentally make a connection, 2. The fertilized egg does not split completely.

Making plastic not dry but wet out of the dishwasher?
This is because plastic is water repellent. As a result, drops of water are formed on the surface and they do not flow away. Hard plastic komt wel droog uit de vaatwasser, zacht plastic niet!

How big is Donald Duck?
Editor of Donald Duck magazine, Jos Beekman, says it changes by comic strip. It is an anthropomorphic cartoon character; an animal with human characteristics.

What is the biggest natural disaster ever?
The biggest natural disaster since 1900 is the 1931 flood in China. In addition, as a result of drowning, 3.7 million people died! The Haiti earthquake killed 223,000 people and the Indian Ocean tsunami 225 thousand. The attacks on the Twin Towers in 2001 killed less than 3000 people.

When do raw oysters die, if you eat them?
If you chew them, they're dead immediately, in your stomach they're dead after a few seconds. However, it is wise to cook them first, so you avoid getting the Norovirus

Can you bite off your own finger?
Yes, this is possible. But often you automatically stop biting if it hurts too much. There are known cases of people who bite someone else's finger off. It is sometimes said that biting a phalanx takes the same strength as biting a (raw) root.

How did pharaohs and ancient Egyptians get gold?
Gold was mined by the Egyptians in the area now called Sudan. It was fairly close to the surface and could easily be collected. It was already used as a means of payment in the 26th century BC, but could only be worn by pharaohs as an ornament!

Who invented the constellations?
This is not known. However, evidence has been found that people recognized constellations 17,000 years ago. There are found in cave drawings of. There are 88 constellations. Did you know that the saucepan is not a constellation but an asterism? A group of stars that together form a figure.

Why do insects come on lies?
Nocturnal animals orient themselves for their hunt and flight on the moon. They fly continuously at the same angle, they could be mistaken in a candle or a lamp, and this look for the moon. Research has shown that in a cloudy night more insects fly to death in a candle or lamp than at night with a clear sky.

Little people get drunk faster?
Women generally get drunk faster than men. They have more body fat and thus absorb more alcohol! If you think you're gonna get drunk fast, then you're gonna be too! This is what psychologists call the self fulfilling prophecy. Other factors such as age, drinking experience, physical condition, hormone control, drug use and gender also play a role. There are also hereditary factors affecting your ability to drink alcohol. Take for example the Asians, they have, hereditarily determined, fewer enzymes that can efficiently break down alcohol. In a long body, alchohol can spread over a larger volume.

Can one-egg twins consist of two sexes?
If a pair of twins consists of a boy and a girl this is because the girl in embryonic state has lost her Y chromosome. The girl is now XO instead of XX or in men XY. Women who have XO Turner syndrome, do not grow larger than 1.5 meters and are infertile.

Why do cats spit out hairballs?
All animals, including humans, get hairs in. Cats are very fond of their hygiene and therefore wash themselves very often. They do this by licking their fur with their tongues. The tongue of a cat is very rough and made for it to loosen dead or old hair. Cats get a lot of hairs because of this. The hairs tangle in the abdomen and are spit out.

What is the average age of all people on earth?
The average age of all people in the world is 28.4 years. The ageing population is increasing and the average age. By 2050, the ratio of working people and pensioner will be 4 to 1. In 1950, this was 12 out of 1. In Nederland is de gemiddelde leeftijd 40,8 jaar.

Can you photograph a fata morgana?
Yes! Unlike deception and hallucinations, fata morganas really exist! Everything you can observe with the naked eye can be photographed. Fata morganas arise because light deflects different in different air temperatures.

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