As a generalist, I see the advantages of specialists, especially in these days they come to new assignments more easily, provided it concerns the required specialization. I also see disadvantages, especially after I posted my frustration on a subject that I ran into with my dementia, but still living at home. From the care corner, all kinds of solutions were presented to me, by the way, all from the same thought, very well meant, but precisely in the situation I encountered was not usable. Besides that I was able to come up with a solution myself, my solution was much simpler and faster, but thought a little outside the box and off the beaten track.

It also struck me that a solution was immediately put forward, without asking questions, as if the problem was just that frustration and there were not all sorts of fringe issues to be taken into account. I once followed a training “tailor-made coaching” and in that I was taught to listen and by asking, occasionally to suggest something, but only globally, so that the coached person could find the solution himself. This solution will be better suited to the person and their situation, has more support and is likely to be more focused on the actual problem.

If #generalist my big advantage in living is often that I can think stupid, I know the company and sometimes not the industry, so it is not crazy if I ask “stupid” questions from a bit of ignorance, which allows me to deteminate the nonsense of certain methods and this also by the people which I speak in can show. The disadvantage of me as a generalist is that I have to consult with a specialist to see if in my ignorance I haven't missed something that might have to change the new solution, but the steps we make are often large and Specialists are useful, but they look to problems from their specialism and do not always have the most efficient view of the situation, generalists sometimes lack essential process parts or reasons to act in a certain way, but together you have a good team to take steps to improve your #bedrijfsprocessen and #werkprocessen . #specialist
