In 1923 a comet passed very close to Earth, very close to a village in Finland, causing disorientation in people, some were lost and never returned home, others temporarily lost their memory.

A woman went to the police very frightened to tell them that the man who was in her house was not her husband. When the police came to her house, they told her that this was indeed her husband, the wife told them that her husband had died many years ago. But the police were unable to arrest the man, because he was her husband, as recorded in the public record.

In 1935, a scientist tried to explain the phenomenon. He locked a cat in a box with poison. The animal had a 50% chance of living and 50% of dying, that is, in the face of two possibilities, two realities are created in different universes. If parallel universes really existed, the cat would still be alive in one universe and dead in another parallel universe.

The woman died saying that this was not her husband. While the man simply said that she was his wife.

Since we are born we know only one reality —in which we live—, but according to some scientists there could be several. This implies that what doesn't happen in our world may be happening in another. There may even be many versions of ourselves in other universes.

Other tests:

In 1954, a man arrived at Tokyo Airport with a passport from a non-existent country: “Taured”. The man was arrested for using false papers, but he still maintained that he was from that country and that he had other papers to prove it. He was arrested in a hotel, but he disappeared without a trace.

“Déjà vu” is the feeling that you have already experienced something, but there is also “déjà vecu”, the feeling that you know what will happen next. But even stranger is the “alter vu”, that is, when someone remembers their story differently, and is aware that events are developing differently. Many believe that this kind of feeling has to do with memories of other versions of ourselves, in other parallel universes.  

Some believe that the “ghosts” that we think we see are actually people who live in other universes and that reflect on ours unintentionally, although they cannot do it completely.

