It seems so simple and yet it is sometimes difficult; #complimenten give, express appreciation, dare to pronounce what you think.

When you are in a positive connection with someone, it is often less difficult, you know each other. You know what someone finds important, beautiful, exciting, pleasant, difficult. But if the joint is brittle or not there, then it becomes a lot more difficult and flatter. You can then do nothing but show your compliment or appreciation about the other person.

Recently I discovered that there are people who have a strong need for connection and people who do not feel it necessary to connect to do their job properly. Feeling and ratio. One believes in “without relationship no achievement” the other believes in “without performance no relationship.”

One is no better than the other, both may be there. But often they try to convince each other. What matters is the balance and aceptation, of both there must be enough in a team, it keeps each other sharp.

It starts with self-knowledge, what do you think is important? Can you move into another who has a different need? How do you tune your communication, your compliment to that?

Give compliments and be in connection