It is believed that the author was a Christian of Jewish origin, an expert in Sacred Scripture, accustomed to analyzing Jewish rabbis texts and a good connoisseur of the Palestinian environment. He reproduced with certain variations almost eighty percent of St Mark's text, adding to it the collection of sayings and deeds of Jesus (the so-called Source Q) and incorporating his own material and traditions preserved in his group, probably based in Antioch, Syria.

It is considered that its author was not an apostle, because otherwise it would be written in his mother tongue, that is Aramaic, but he cites the Bible in its Greek version, not Hebrew and its two main sources are Mark and Source Q, which were in Greek. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus appears as the new Moses, who explains in five great sermons how divine law should be understood. In this regard, it is worth mentioning the Sermon on the Mount, the instruction to missionaries, the parables of the Kingdom, coexistence in the Church and the future of the Church.

Gospel According to St. Matthew