#rust #paasdagen #genieten Of course, it is a bit contradictory for the people who are already at home because of the corona crisis. But it is very important for these people and also the people who are working hard in the vital professions to take your rest. Therefore, pay extra attention to the little things, and experience these days with each other or with yourself. It doesn't really matter if you're used to celebrating Easter from home. But make it a real pampering moment. For yourself or with each other.

Where it is possible it is also highly recommended to go outside. Do this in moderation and at a distance, but try walking through nature for example. Or choose a sport that suits you if you find that's something you've wanted to do for a long time. And start small. Step by step is enough. You don't have to run half marathon right away when you go running. Picking out a small route with breaks can also bring you a lot. Despite the situation, spring has clearly arrived. The past few days we have already been able to enjoy beautiful weather. It is contradictory, because of course it is not the intention to go out and look for everyone too much. Look what feels right, and try to be creative with what you can. A sprint through your own backyard or a workout. And alternate that with the insertion of a well-deserved relaxation moment. With a book in the garden or sitting by the window can be enough.

I want to wish everyone a very nice second Easter day! Make it some beautiful...

Grab extra rest during the Easter days