From light to dark, from dark to light. One day I can feel incredibly lost in a world that isn't mine and the next day I'm already living in the new version as if it's never been different. I haven't felt at home in the system we built for years, but if you think you're the only one who doesn't like it, you just retire to a mountain, preferably in Spain; -). Fortunately, it gets more extreme and extreme, we can't put it under the rug anymore, looking away doesn't make any sense because then you look at another stinking pulsating pimple in the face; Amazon makes billions and doesn't pay taxes. Pharmaceutical companies are turning record profits on the back of a global crisis. Politics literally lies in the camera and gets away with everything. One law after another that undermines my freedom can seemingly go through effortlessly. Critical people are censored and handsome heads ridiculed when they make a different sound (how do you ever want to innovate & evolve?). I have to get down on my knees through the mud of manipulating news reports to find my objective information. This can't feel beating for anyone.

I feel, see and read happily that I am no longer the only one. And how grateful I am for those people who speak out, often with a bunch of dredging over their heads as a result. Thankfully, because it makes me know that I'm not the only one. And even though I prefer to retire to my mountain, I don't want to rise my head above that deadly ground level, I also feel a deep knowing in myself that it's time to put my fear aside and pronounce myself. So I take my laptop and write. I write what it's like for me, how I have a different view of our lives here, how I experience it. In the hope that there are more with me, so that we can put down another movement, a new energy. Not by fighting the old. On that playing field, we don't stand a chance. No, by showing how it can be different, by living it for, as complicated as it is now sometimes.. By feeling it with each other, by connecting, by seeing and hearing each other again and by putting together a new creation into the world.

All we need are brave people, people who dare to speak out, who dare to say NO when it doesn't feel beating anymore, people who dare to leave their hearts open in all this fear and hardness, dare to remain tangent, so that we can continue to connect with each other. Because if we can all feel our natural connection with each other and the entire universe again, the old will disappear as if by itself before the new, because the latter simply wants to be created.

Let The Magic Beginning, Its a Great Time To Be Alive!

For more inspiration and certainly courageous pronounced people:
The always scientifically based and visionary. Joe Dispenza
The always sharp and very humorous videos of Russell Brand:
Or bring some lightness and humor with nails on his head videos of our Dutch Tisjeboy Jay:

Photocredit: photo by Tim J on Unsplash

Great Time To Be Alive

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