“I know that getting and taking opportunities isn't part of your DNA. But from that and those that you have around you. That's what equality of opportunity is about.”

With just 23 years of age, he is the youngest parliamentarian. Thursday Pvda'er Habtamu de Hoop gave his maiden speech in the House of Representatives during an educational debate with foreign minister Arie Slob. A speech that is highly praised by fellow MPs from BIJ1 to the VVD, and on social media.

De Hoop was born in Ethiopia, but when he was only four weeks old, he was found in a café in Addis Ababa. Police officers took him to an orphanage, a few months later he was adopted by his Frisian heath and mem. 'Whoever brought me into the world is unknown to me, 'De Hoop said in his speech, 'but whoever gave me the loving upbringing that allows me to stand in this place today, there is no doubt whatsoever about it..'

De Hoop's message is that success is not a question of choices. Exploiting opportunities is only possible when those opportunities actually exist. And whether there are, and how many, depends to a very large extent on your environment:

It's about much more than happiness. It's about what you get and what you can learn. At school, around you, from experiences, or the football trainer of your club in your village. Opportunity doesn't just come to you. We, as a society and as a political, have a responsibility to organize it for every child.

Habtamu the Hope maiden speech

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