Ham bread is a traditional Venezuelan recipe of the Christmas season, it is not missing at any table at the Christmas dinner, it is a sweet bread because its dough carries sugar and salt, flour, eggs, yeast and butter... Once leavened the dough is stretched and butter is smeared, ham, raisins, olives is placed and because it does not... bacon, it is rolled and rolled up. Bakes, not without first bathing it with beaten egg, it is a unique flavor... which reminds us of Venezuelans that Christmas came, the time to share, since when you arrive at any house, know you or not, are invited or not to dinner... they offer you the Christmas dish, which includes this delicious bread, in Christmas season it is shared with family, are made friends, the relationships of affection and love between neighbors and friends are strengthened... and this represents a slice of ham bread... wherever this Venezuelan longs for it at Christmas. #Pandejamon

Ham Bread.