What a morning. I wake up with a mixed feeling.
The #ontnuchtering phase starts.
Once I got up I look in the mirror and two #panda Eyes look back at me.
My bathroom smells like lavender and ruby, and even though I'm not sure how high the percentage in my blood is,
I'm happy.
What wonderful people I have all of a sudden.
People I accredite, even though I was clearly told by one of these people I accredited most, not to do this anymore.
Then let's use a different context here, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt.
My biggest weakness is finally sending an app this morning, considering my #desinteresse in him yesterday.
I'm gonna go ahead with him. #ignoreren He doesn't deserve my loyalty.
It's time for me to take control of my feelings away from him.

And then I realize it's Daddy Day, the only man in my life I miss every day.
Congratulations, Dad. You were the best.
Lets get this day started, you have to work for it baby!

hangover morning!