Hookah shisha is a recreational drug that can cause health problems in some people. In fact, studies show that smoking hookah can affect the development of the adolescent brain. To learn more about the health risks of hookah shisha, read the following article. Listed below are some common flavors of hookah. You can also learn about its prevalence in the U.S.
Health risks of hookah shisha
Smoking hookah shisha is popular among Southeast Asian, Middle Eastern, and North African communities. It is becoming more popular in the UK, as well. Smoking shisha can have negative effects on your health. For one thing, it contains chemicals that can lead to heart disease and cancer. Additionally, it contains heavy metals. These toxins can accumulate in your body over time, and they may be present even in tobacco-free shisha.
In addition to the toxins found in cigarettes, the hookah pipe contains 10 times more ultrafine particles than cigarette smoke. These particles can get into your lungs and bloodstream, increasing your risk of cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, hookah smoke contains formaldehyde, which has been linked to cancer. Therefore, hookah smoking is harmful for children. To reduce your child's risk of developing cancer, be sure to talk to him or her about the risks involved.
Common flavors of hookah shisha
Despite the popularity of American brands, there are still a few common flavors of hookah shisha. The first is Al Fakher Mint, which is probably the most well known and iconic flavor. Its sweetness and tartness combine to create a unique and memorable hookah experience. Listed below are five common flavors of hookah shisha. Try one or all of them today!
The first flavor to be listed here is the most popular. It comes from two famous manufacturers. Fumari and Starbuzz both produce this flavor. Ambrosia, for instance, tastes like a fruit salad with hints of melon and pineapple. The flavor is subtle but rich, thanks to sugar cane molasses as a binding agent. Other popular brands include Zomo and Eternal Smoke.
Prevalence of hookah shisha in the U.S.
In the U.S, a recent study revealed a sharp increase in the prevalence of hookah use among high school students. Hookah users are more likely to be males, non-Hispanic Whites, and college educated. Male users of hookah are also more likely to smoke daily than non-hookah users. The study also found a marked difference in the prevalence among daily smokers and non-smokers.
Despite these changes, hookah tobacco use is still relatively low among U.S. adults. In 2010, the prevalence of HT was 3.9% among 18-to-40-year-olds, compared with 30.5% of college students. This suggests that effective interventions should target both cigarettes and hookah tobacco. And because hookah smoking is a popular social activity, it should not be considered a threat to public health.
Health effects of hookah shisha on adolescent brain development
Recent research indicates that the high use of hookah by seventh and tenth-graders may affect adolescent brain development. Hookah smoking reduces BDNF, a neurotransmitter that plays a major role in the development of cognition and behavior. The results of a recent study revealed that hookah users had lower BDNF levels in their blood than their peers, which may be indicative of systemic adverse health conditions during adolescence. Hookah tobacco smoke also decreased hippocampal levels of major oxidative stress biomarkers and oxidative capacity enzymes.