Many children also sit at home this period.
They get home schooling and must also be entertained and stimulated.

My son @adamleanderthewarrior post something on Yoors every day because he likes it.
I found the last posts a little minimal so gave him an assignment yesterday:
Make an explanation in max 5 photos of something you do now daily.

You can see his first post below. He explains in photos and a video how to make a somersault on the trampoline.
I want to make this a Yoors Challenge for more children and ask children worldwide to participate.

For whom ?

We divide the kids into two groups to organize fair opportunities for all kids:

The winners

The winners with the most hearts received from Yoors a gift voucher of 100 euros.
Or an Amazon Gift Card of 100$
So there are two winners. One in the group #YoorsYoungestChallenge and a winner in this group: #YoorsTeenagersChallenge

Rules of the game

  1. Collect points at your post with the hearts. (Yoors Love) The post with the most hearts on April 12th won and receives the prize.
  2. Your post is about this: Make an explanation in max 5 photos of something you do now daily. Of course, you can also add text and video. But there must be an explanation in max 5 pictures.
  3. You can join as many times as you want. But post with most hearts wins!
  4. This Challenge lasts until Sunday 12 April. On Monday we will see together who has become the winner.
    We publish this on Yoors and we will contact you by email.
  5. Yoors is going to invite children around the world to participate. Are you with me?

Any Questions ?

  1. Comment below with your question in the comments.
  2. Respond by email to


  1. Parents and the whole family can vote for the kids. You can vote every day, but your vote always remains 1.
    The posts come to the attention again with the vote per day.
  2. You can simply ask others to vote for your post, they just need to join.
    That can be completely free and without obligation here.
  3. If you send them your mail, they will automatically be notified to join and vote for you.
  4. You can also share this post so that more kids can do with it.

Yoors Challenge for the kids who are at home now: