Seeing the beautiful cover of Historical Stories makes you feel happy. Unfortunately, that's only a short time when you see the Star of David on the eldest girl's dress. In any case, this photo shows that the two sisters were happy at that time. In any case, you hope that they did not get too much, that their parents could have let their children be children as much and as far as possible without too much worry. You hope that they managed to survive the war and live their lives the way they wanted, even though you know in the back of your mind that their lives probably turned out like so many other Jews. In the book you can read how the sisters and their parents fared.
When you read the title, you immediately know which book series this book is from. The subtitle clearly states what kind of stories you can expect in this section. This book is part of the Historical Stories series by Historical Stories Publishers, but, like all previous volumes of this publisher, can be read separately. The stories in this book can also be read separately.