History of volleyball
The name volleyball in Spanish (and its variants volleyball, volleyball, volleyball or volleyball), derives from the English “volleyball” and refers to a discipline of more than a hundred years of existence that was created in 1895 by William G. Morgan, director of physical education at the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) in the United States.

It was originally called “mintonette” but, during a demonstration, they noticed that the volley of the ball over the net described the essence of the game and that's why they started calling it “volleyball ball”. In 1952, the North American Volleyball Association unified the words to officially call it “volleyball”.

Volleyball is a sport that is played on a court divided in half by a net, where two teams of six players each face each other. The objective of the game is to pass the ball over the net so that it touches the ground of the opposing field, without the opponent managing to reach it.

It is played by hitting or pushing the ball and each team has a maximum of three touches to pass it to the opposite field. Players on the same team rotate their position as they earn points.

Source: https://concepto.de/historia-del-voleibol/#ixzz7b1nS2hia

History of Volleyball