Last night, Mom got a message that there are no mouthcaps at a Middin location. There are children who are disabled at that location. Mama is on the board of the Friends of Middin Foundation. She immediately placed calls and called people. So if you still have mouthcaps or fireworks glasses, they could really use that. Today, fortunately, some mouthcaps came, but Middin has even more places where people with disabilities live. The mouthcaps that are in the Netherlands go to the hospitals and not to these houses and that is a problem.

By a reader of my blog, I had a sword for my optimist today. This allowed me to sail all day. I really liked sailing. It was blowing pretty hard. First I had fixed my sail. That means I made it smaller. When the wind declined, I sailed with full sail. I went sailing with my sisters. They sailed themselves for the first time today. Daddy was going to teach me how to sail even better today. I wasn't really cold.

I just had my birthday and I would like to buy a cabin yacht from my birthday. I haven't spent my money from my last birthday either. I'm just saving on. The cabin boat must not be longer than 15 meters. Otherwise, I need a boatmaster's license. With the boat I want to go on vacation. I would like to go sailing at the wadden. From Wadden Island to Wadden Island.

Tonight I'm going to watch a movie on Netflix. See you tomorrow! #corona #coronavirus #blog #thuisonderwijs #zeilen

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