Stupid title, huh?
But me and household are two extremes, so this is kind of funny.
I'm not so good at dosing, normally it's all or nothing but not one day this the next day and that's fine now.
That immediately reminds me of a tile that we have there is on “take your time if you are in a hurry and hurry when you have time” hahaha I still find funny.

That brings me to the conversation I had at noon with my son when we looked at our little dog who suddenly seemed to stop breathing.
This was really a bit of a scare and we said he couldn't die for a long time but yes he's already 10 so he's had the longest time here on earth, I guess.
And because of that we were talking about turtles that are getting so old and how that could be, then my son suddenly said I know it a turtle lives his life heeeeeeeelllll ll slow so he also needs more time to do everything and that includes dying as well.
So we decided to continue to slow down our lives just like now, maybe it will help to grow old 😀
I have to say, I like the delay of now.

I jump from heel to branch and don't really have a story today so I stop again and post if I have something meaningful to report or a story I would like to share with you again!

I wish everyone a good evening! #binky (our dog in the photo)

Housekeeping in order