excellent information so detailed about the days, hours, seconds and weeks, neither in school, nor in the lyceum, and even less in college we did such a mathematical operation it is never too late to learn
is a great explanation @sameerbedar07 , I think you addressed all the ways to see the duration of a year in months, weeks, days, hours
I did not see the dura in the hours of the day and the syderic and synodic periods
Not seconds either,
I really liked your publication, keep sharing like that friend
Interesting blog that gives a new look at the annual format in weeks. Very separate to have to read in this blog that our calendar actually shows a certain degree of inconsistencies with regard to the exact number of weeks.
Comment with a minimum of 10 words.
I did not see the dura in the hours of the day and the syderic and synodic periods
Not seconds either,
I really liked your publication, keep sharing like that friend