Everyone has feelings of anxiety from time to time. Uncertainty about what may happen next, whether, in the next few minutes, hours, days, or months, causes worry on occasion, which is quite natural.

Anxiety, according to mental health professionals, is fear about a threat that is yet in the future. For example, anticipating an unpleasant conversation could cause your stomach to clench up several days before it occurs.

It is possible that your heart will race before an exam or presentation. It's possible that you'll be awake at night worrying about whether or not you'll get COVID-19 at the supermarket.

You should be aware that if your anxiety is persistent and interferes with your regular activities, you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder. If this is the case, you may require treatment to get rid of it.

How to stop the feeling of anxiety

Here are a few strategies that can relax your mind, ease your anxiety, and help you regain control of your thoughts so that you can feel better.
When you're feeling nervous or agitated, try the following:

Take a break from your work.
Practicing yoga, listening to music, meditating, getting a massage, or learning relaxation techniques are all solutions. Taking a step back from the problem can help you clear your mind.

Consume meals that are well-balanced.
Make sure you don't skip any meals. Maintain a supply of nutritious, energy-boosting snacks on hand.

Stop taking alcohol and caffeine.
Limit your intake of alcoholic beverages and caffeinated beverages, which can increase anxiety and provoke panic attacks.

Make sure you get adequate sleep. When you are under stress, your body needs increased sleep and rest.

Exercise on a daily basis will help you feel better and keep your health in good shape. To maximize the advantages of exercise, aim for at least 2 hours of moderate exercise (brisk walking) or 1 hour of vigorous-intensity exercise (jogging or swimming laps) every week.

Take a few deep breaths.
Take calm, deep breaths in and out.  Slowly count from one to ten. Count to 20 if required, and then repeat the process.

Put forth your best effort. Instead of striving for perfection, which is impossible, be content with your efforts no matter how close you come.

Accept the fact that you will not be able to manage everything. Consider the intensity of your stress: Is it truly as awful as you believe it to be?

Consider the intensity of your stress: Is it truly as awful as you believe it to be?

Embracing laughter. Smiling more often, a good laugh can go a long way toward alleviating stress.

Maintain an optimistic frame of mind. Replace negative thoughts with positive ones by making an effort to do so.

Participate in the discussion. Volunteering or finding another method to be active in your community can help you build a support network while also providing a break from the stresses of regular life.

Find out what it is that causes your anxiety. Is it related to your job, family, school, or something else you can think of? Whenever you're feeling pressured or anxious, write in a journal and search for patterns.

Speak with someone. Inform your friends and family members that you are feeling overwhelmed and provide them with information on how they may assist you. Consult with a physician or a therapist if you require expert assistance.


How to stop feeling of anxiety