With an open and #liefdevolle #intentie I will continue to approach.

Whenever I get clumsy and get you in your pain unintentionally, I'm sorry. #Praat just with me ❤

In my life, I do my utmost to be the best version of myself. I want to get everything in it.

However, I too... am only a human with #tekortkomingen and #beperkingen - Yes.

I have no #geloofsovertuiging .. however, I condemn in the pure #essentie as it is intended not a single #geloof - Yes. #Liefde is for me.
the #allerzuiverste energy..

Love is it #AL What is..

Love #vibreert on a higher #frequentie and the love in myself for myself... grows a little more every day.

Love... for the people who have pure intentions on my #pad come... Flows #vanZELF - Oh, my... flowing through my heart.. head and body..

In every cell... A wonderful feeling... #Rust - Oh, my... #kalmte - Oh, my...a #sprankelende #tedere - Oh, my... #liftende #energie which can be accompanied by a huge #enthousiasme - Yes.

When people do not #oprecht are in their feelings to me, treated me incorrectly, me #intimideren #kleineren and #manipuleren , me #subtiel #negeren or want too much of me #verwachten because they ( #on -consciously) #misbruik want to make my #aard .. or me in their deepest #ver -judgments for whom I #Ben - Yes.

Then I feel that...

The #trilling changes in my body...

Unfortunately, we vibrate on #verschillende #frequenties Not always... but often... when the other one me #spiegelt or hits.
I'm going to myself things #afvragen - Oh, my... #analyseren and watch out. What can I change.. I take #verantwoordelijkheid - Yes.

I will do everything I can to make the #liefdesfrequentie to get back. Sometimes my openness works in my #gevoel directly... and it immediately recovers.

Sometimes they don't, and people don't want to hear what I feel. I used to go on where others had stopped for a long time and wanted the #verbinding - Oh, my...even against better judgment.

Because it, every time... Immense! I am a #gevoelsmens - Yes. I'm not hard, and I never will be.

Nevertheless, I have been through my #levenslessen need to learn to #accepteren ..
that it is as it is.

In the meantime, I have no desire to be carried away by the results I wish for others.

It's always about what someone #ZELF want to realize... where does he want to go with which #hulpbronnen and #middelen and with which #waardes - Yes.

Sometimes I also feel from others... the #twijfel , the #onrust the #angst and the #verdriet - Yes.

That I should consciously distance myself was a #leerproces - Yes. In the end, that gives me the strength to #observeren and the #vloek of #Hooggevoeligheid a #zegen - Yes.

For #Hooggevoeligen it remains a challenge to be aware in the #ontkoppelen of #energie and ( #dissoci ).

It #zenuwstelsel is ever so #overprikkeld that every #vibratie difference in each #cel is felt.

Stay with yourself in your own #kracht remain standing without #emotioneel dependent ( #codependentie ) is a beautiful #uitdaging - Oh, my...

And who bothers too much to my #gedrag , to my #levenshouding - Oh, my...
Just let go of me.

Then I will.
I let go, in #liefde -full #on -attachment

I did #hou still from you # ❤

