#laughter #undefined #iamnewhere #humorous #iamnewhere #happy #funny #randompost #mother #love #hilarious #lunch #cooking #family #blog

Yeah, that’s actually true! She is quite humorous in terms of giving feedback to people regarding everything especially cooking…I am serious!!

Once when I was making lunch table ready by carrying dishes from the kitchen counter to the dining table, she told me to take fish oil in a separate bowl and serve rice…obviously separately! She was instructing me from the bedroom. But I couldn’t listen to her properly as the chimney was on and credits to my laziness which made me unable to go near her and take instructions. The words which were going on in my mind were only these two- “Fish oil” and “Put rice”. These two words were continuously going on in my mind I don’t know how. It might be because she was constantly instructing again and again so my brain got confused and it took these data only…sigh! Then my brain thought of one innovative giant step towards cooking…Tadaa “The making of fish oil biryani”!!! Out of nowhere my brain used these data and made them in two sentences as “Put Fish oil on rice”. I poured all fish oil on rice and served it on the table as I thought that might be similar to making chicken biryani by pouring chicken curry on rice.

You must be thinking how angry my mother would have been by looking at that dish and yes you are hundred and ten percent correct. When my mother saw that, she almost fainted. How she went mad on me I can’t even express in words…yikes! When my twin sister (yes I have a twin sister hehe!) returned from college and went straight to the dining table to see what’s cooking, she too became angry, but I am five minutes or 1 minutes elder than her so I have the overall power and control…hahahaha!! (I can’t say the time difference as we had cesarean birth so it depends on doctor how quickly he can take us out from our mother’s womb! So I don’t know what his speed rate was).

As it’s not advisable to waste food so we had to eat all that rice covered with fish oil. It tasted horrible really horrible! Slowly we gulped all the rice. A wave of complete silence prevailed for the first two minutes. Suddenly my mother started laughing as the scene across the dining table was actually funny. After that, I laughed and my sister too.

Even now she still asks me what made me commit this crime…haha! I still laugh at this incident.

So that’s one where she had an idea of my imaginative mind, correction, my hyper-imaginative mind blowing mind that’s going to blow everyone’s mind with smoke coming out from ears!

Another crime my sister committed when she was instructed to put a food grade eating plastic bowl in microwave for heating up a dish (I am mentioning food grade so that you all don’t think that we are eating in a poisonous one time usable bowl like the plastic mineral one time use water bottle which of course we Indian people use it again and again). Mother instructed her to set the timer to 1 minute but my sister; of course, she is my sister so she will also have a hyper-imaginative mind. She set the timer to 1 hour, put the airtight bowl means covered with a lid in the microwave and went to watch TV, humming like a bee.

After some time an explosion was heard. We thought a bomb might have exploded outside but slowly we realized that the sound came from the kitchen. Hurriedly we went there and saw smoke coming out from the microwave. Mother opened the door of the microwave and took the bowl out. It was provided so much heat that the food burned completely no doubt, along with it some part of the bowl also vaporized. Mother fainting alert!!! My sister was called out and was given scolding so that she becomes careful next time. Well, I stood there and laughed a bit but not much as when will the bomb explode on you, you never know…trouble alert! Then I took hold of the remote and watched some of my kind of movies…I repeat my kind, not hers means my sister’s (an opportunity you know)! But later on she joined me too and we watched the movies together, after all, she is my partner in crime…my sis! (Winks)

It’s usually kind of us two versus mother. When we fight like one to one, its individual fight but when our mother gets angry we team up against her. Of course, we love her but we like to trouble her too…hahahahaha!!! (Laughs like a devil)

My Mother almost fainted