I like to root with my fingers in the dirt on hot days. I find the whole growth process magical. Every day, check to see if anything comes out. From reading to the final harvest!! I also have a collection of jungle plants. Above the picture you see an impression of what I have/had. Much more than that, of course.

I also just have a balcony, but you can do plenty of renovations on it! I also used mom's garden. Gardening together. We like to hide. :)

#gardening #gardening #balkon #greenfingers #growth #earth #hobby #fruit #vegetable #sun #summer #spring #autumn #flowers #plant #jungle #jungleplant #coin #sunnebloem #applepicking #inrush #inrushs #family #stokroos #paprika #tomato #arugula #eggplant #augurk #arugula #sla #eten #wholesome #worms #gardengarden #gardengardenieren #yucca #monstera #ficus #ficuselastica #rubberplant #strelitzianicolai #strelitzia #alocasia #vacance #musadwarf #bananaplant #zebraplant #trots

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