#geloof is a great concept. #je can believe in a God
#je believe in a better life #je can believe in yourself #je believe in a better world #je believe in being able to be another. ' #je can believe in ghosts #je believe in everything you hear #je can believe with your heart or with your head

You can believe in a lot of things. In different ways, by different events or reasons. But always the piece of faith is a part of you, a part of your life that makes you you. That's why you don't have to hide it, express it and come out. If you hide it, you hide a part of you. People can look at you or think you're weird, but that's a side issue. Because it's a part of you, the part that makes you unique and special, and the people who see that are the people that matter in your life. Those are the people who take you for what you are. They'll see how special you are. And if you don't hide the things you believe in, you stay close to yourself and you are the happiest. Your own happiness is the most important thing. Love yourself, Onarm what you believe in.

#ik faith