On Twitter, the #ikblijfthuis trending due to the #coronavirus - Yes.
With this, people are massively saying that from now on they are keeping their children out of school because of the risks of #besmetting - Yes.

We also decided to keep the children at home, following the following message: https://amp.nos.nl/artikel/2327110-federatie-medisch-specialisten-sluit-per-direct-alle-scholen.html?__twitter_impression=true&fbclid=IwAR3JMnUNGw7DXdWK5gVb1CR7dERCTfW8ygwnaUc1e1HR6HyLp1vHDBUoaYU On my FB account, I said this about it:

Due to the developments around corona, and the advice of federation medical specialists (see my FB) we have decided definitively that the children will not go to school, at least next week. Then we see further. Also I canceled the physical therapy before Tuesday. Better save than sorry...

I expect many people to take this advice to heart. When medical specialists make this call, we should not ignore it!
