If it is your first time writing an academic assignment paper, you may not familiar with the term “Appendices”. Appendices are the plural form of the word “Appendix”. Appendix in writing is nothing but the additional part that can be added at the end of an assignment or research paper. We will see how adding appendices in your academic paper is beneficial to get finance assignment help from myassignmenthelp online.
Appendix Writing:
It is not really essential to add an appendix to your assignment. But some professors may expect it to be there in your academic paper and also it will provide a better understanding to the readers. Basically, it is extra information that is not suitable to be included in the main body of your text.
The purpose of including an appendix is to:
It is used to explain the main and detailed points in your document.
It acts as the supporting pillar for more complex and technical papers
It helps the readers in better understanding of your academic or research paper by listing out the additional information and results.
Before writing an appendix, we should collect the contents that can be added to an appendix. Then we have to edit that content in a specific format. Multiple appendices can be added to your paper according to your subject. Following are the contents that can be included in an appendix.
Raw data
Maps, charts, graphs, Drawings.
Any relevant information about the subject.
List of reference materials used.
Statistical surveys and results.
Emails and letters.
Tools and Transcriptions used.
After deciding the content you want to include, you can start formatting your appendix. Here are some tips that can help you format an appendix:
Sequencing is important. Whether you are including multiple images, graphs, charts, or any other data, sequence their order.
It goes the same for multiple appendices. When you are including more than one appendix number them so that it will be represented clearly. For example, Appendix-A, Appendix-B or Appendix 1, Appendix 2 so on.
It is essential to start an appendix on a new page. Even if you have multiple indices, you should start each one on a new page.
Include your appendix list in the table of contents.
Giving a precise and clear title for the appendix make your paper looks better.
Include the page number for your appendices.
Make sure that your statistical results and visual representations are relevant to your information.
You can also add sample calculations and definitions you used for your research.
Add your appendices after your reference page in your paper.
The starting of any paragraph in your appendix should be left intended.
Do not overwork on your appendix. It may look complex and hard to understand.
Type each paragraph in double spacing.
Footnotes can also be included in your appendices.
Mentioning tools you used for your research will impress your reader. For example, adding the camera, the microphone you used for your research interview.
Maintain the same font size throughout your appendix.

After completing your appendix you can go through your content once again to make sure there aren’t any mistakes in your appendices. Proofreading is an unskippable step when you are writing your academic paper. Check for any grammatical or logical errors in your appendices. Proofreading and reviewing your appendices may take time but your appendix must look professionally written.
You can write an appendix using the above tips. But, many styles can be used to professionally write your appendix. Your university or professor may demand a certain writing style for your appendix. Following are the popular writing style that is used all over the world.
Appendix APA
Appendix MLA
Appendix Chicago
Appendix Harvard
Each appendix style follows certain rules to format and write your appendix.
Appendix APA:
The title should be included for each appendix.
For multiple indices use the alphabet for sequencing your titles. For Example, Appendix-A, Appendix-B, so on.
The page number should be included.
Each appendix must start on a new page.
Footnotes are expected.
The appendix page should be included after the reference list.
Double spacing should be done.
The font style should be Times New Roman with the size 12 points.
Starting paragraph should not be intended.
     Appendix MLA:
The title should be centered and in uppercase.
For multiple indices use the alphabet for sequencing your titles. For Example, Appendix-A, Appendix-B, so on.
The page number should be included.
Each appendix must start on a new page.
The first line should have a reference in its left margin.(i.e,hanging indent)
Author name should be added in the following format (Surname, First name, and year).
When you are writing the titles of articles, websites, and books, they should be in italic.
The appendix should be placed before your reference (Work Cited) page.
    Appendix Chicago:
The title should be bold and relevant to the information.
For multiple indices use the alphabet for sequencing your titles. For Example, Appendix-A, Appendix-B, so on.
The page number should be included.
Each appendix must start on a new page.
The font style should be Times New Roman with the size 12 points.
An appendix should end with the bibliography.
Appendix Harvard:
The title should be included.
Rules for the title, a page number is pretty much the same as the previous styles.
The appendix should be included before the reference list.

In conclusion, if you ask me whether it is important to have an appendix in your assignment, I would say yes. As we know, an academic assignment should be clear and easy to go through. We often find it difficult to add detailed information. Inserting an appendix will just help you to add such information to your assignment not only results in better grades but also will be helpful for your professor to understand your assignment better. It’s always better to use any one of the above-mentioned styles to write your appendix.

Importance of Appendices in your academic assignments