
This is the interview, which is today, Friday 17 April 2020, in the Dagblad van the Noorden and the Leeuwarder Courant (edition 168.769). In the special appendix on “What is Truth? ” in the Culture. This appendix is released as part of the 'Week of Philosophy'. Critical phrases and passages have been 'dropped'. Which turned out to be too much asked to include a piece about vitamin C infusions in the piece, assumed lack of space. Also the very last sentence, was but not allowed. why? That seems clear to me. Prefer not to name pain points, but to censor away. Below I put the entire uncensored text of the interview. Furthermore, I did not say that I am the foreman of GH, that is the interpretation of the newspaper.. And I would say, residents aren't really listened to. Not the made-up quote that's in there right now. 'Critical citizens are poorly listened, says Elbert Westerbeek'. I do not like the concept of citizens. Furthermore, I am quite satisfied with what and how it stands! The essence of what I wanted to say is in it in a beautiful way! I do not have a direct link to the interview, but you can log in for free and then search for the interview through the digital krantwww.dvhn.nl in the catern culture. See also the pictures.

“I exclude nothing.”

Elbert Westerbeek from Emmen entered the Tower of Prime Minister Mark Rutte last year as one of the Yellow Vets. In addition, Westerbeek (Utrecht, 1967) is the initiator of Centres voor Visieontwikkeling and Decisionmaking, places for 'free idea formation where people are able to connect their vision and thus decide on all kinds of questions together' (for more info see my Vision Centre). He is also involved in a citizens' initiative seeking a parliamentary inquiry into the possible covert use of weather modification, including by spraying authorised chemtrails by aircraft. “We want to know if this is true or not.”

How do you define the notion of truth?

“The truth does not exist, in the sense that it is not fixed. What I understand by truth is always evolving. Truth is multidimensional. According to my opinion, everyone has their own truth. This reflects through your conscience, your lower abdomen feeling. Also referred to as your intuition, your soul, your being. Through this being, you are connected to the collective, universal consciousness. In other words, everyone is a particle “God”. Because everyone lives a different life, is engaged in different things and is in a different consciousness development, you can never say: this is the truth.

As soon as truth is considered established, it can become a dogma. In itself, that is not wrong. But keep on relativising, let it inspire you, do not see it as the only truth. Iron dogmas lead to suffering, exclusion, powerlessness, to war and violence.

The thought behind Vision Centres is that you are complementary to each other. That you complement, respect and value each other. That truth and visions are complementary to each other, without initiating your self-esteem and identity.”

The Yellow Vets want changes. In France, this has led to conflicts.

I have been to Prime Minister Rutte twice with four colleagues. I did not notice anything about openness and mutual dialogue. We have raised a number of points of view and solutions, we have listened to personal stories of people who have come into trouble through institutions, through them,. Little has been done with that.”

Is that unwillingness?

“It is unwillingness and inability. Because the reflex is that of defense and/or political encapsulation.”

The Yellow Vets would be too splintered as a move. There is not one mouth that speaks, it is not concrete enough. No business can be done with it.

“A manifesto has been published of 34 pages. The main points are purchasing power, referendums, abuses in youth care, indexation of pensions and better care - you now see what comes when you cut down on care. It is a political strategy to say that something is not concrete, that a movement is fragmented.

How do you feel about the democratic principle of the majority of votes?

“A democracy works with majorities. Minorities are often not heard, but which also to be included in decisions. Let's follow an inclusive process. Communicate more effectively and go deeper and deeper to find out what level you complement each other. And then put that into practice. It saves this time, bureaucracy and money.”

What if not everyone can follow that process, because he or she does not have the ability to think of patience, or cannot oversee the available knowledge?

“Everyone has that possibility at the sentimental level. We put too much unilateral emphasis on knowledge from thought, but that's only part of the truth. Thinking is a conductor of feeling and not vice versa. Everyone has, through their own conscience, free from emotions, a particle of collective and universal knowledge within them.”

How did you come to your insights?

“I mainly took it out of myself. I have traveled a lot for my work - done, seen and experienced a lot. For example, who really pull the strings. Furthermore, I did self-study and self-research and attended guest lectures. Gradually, I became aware of my insights, learned and deepened them.”

When do you know something works or suits you?

,, That is a feeling. You notice it when a certain synchronicity occurs, if you can open up, come into a stream and meet other people who want or do the same. "

Have you ever wanted to connect to existing views and groupings?

“Often only temporarily. I observe, research and discover order and patterns. I do not judge and condemn. I am interested in all views. You can mirror and deepen your own insights. I want to intercede people and visions together Precisely because I see multiple paths, I can look objectively at the beaten path, as far as possible. "

You regularly criticize the media.

“What I see is that journalists often like-minded people ask for comments. Journalists should highlight stories from different sides. Do not overwrite news from news organizations or government agencies unlawfully. Investigate what is the source of the news, who has an interest in certain news, what the financial, economic and geopolitical interests are, what agendas are served with stories. That happens far too little.
Instead, I see that unwelcome news is sometimes called fake news, that the 'narrative' of the government and the dominant system should not be criticized. Propaganda is carried out by all custom and secret services. One presents her own message as nicely and well as possible through manipulation, information and pr. The truth becomes such a constructed truth. But is it true, authentic? '

You're spreading Facebook messages about counteracting corona that I would call quack.

“All knowledge about natural resources, natural healing methods and what the population themselves could do with nutrition and dietary supplements to make the body more resilient, is used by the government and regular media. We're in a system that favours the pharmacy. Anything that deviates from it is ridiculed as quackery. In the New York Post (24-03-2020) there was an article that is used there and in China infusions of vitamin C to speed up the healing process. In De Limburger (26-02-2020) it stated that DSM has donated 106 million vitamin C pills to China, and that it helps strengthen the immune system. Here, on the other hand, in the DVHN and by the Dutch Food and Ware Authority (NVWA) it is not to take vitamin C.

I don't just post posts on Facebook that I agree with 100%. I also post messages to show that a different view is possible.”

Like Canadian journalist Benjamin Fulford, who claims to have information from secret services and suggests that the fight against the coronavirus is a cover for the fight over the control of the financial system 'and hence the world'.

The story of Benjamin gives a different and possibly complementary view. I do not rule anything out, but look at patterns in all views. There is certainly a battle going on around whether or not to introduce the gold standard”

Do you believe in conspiracies?

“I believe in complete thinking. Often only part of the story is displayed. You have to see the complete story around to get. We are served with the complete truth. Not withholding information, knowledge, for the benefit of certain groups of economic, political or geopolitical interests. It is dangerous for life to exclude visions. It can be lives red, conflicts and war voorkomen.Dat is a responsibility that you take on as a journalist. So go with it responsibly.”