The shocking thing about the report is that the researchers believe this is irreversible. The 1.7 million square miles of ice melts at a furious pace.

I only recently knew the concept, but 'preppers' seem to exist for a long time. People who store storage cabinets full of flour and beans and purchase the most diverse equipment to “actively prepare themselves for possible disruptions in the social, financial, political and/or ecological sense”.

After the news of this weekend, you start to wonder if you should perhaps prepare yourself a little for the downfall: The sea level is expected to rise by six meters in the next thirty years due to the melting of the Greenland ice sheet, the largest in the world. This is evidenced by an article published this weekend by a group of international scientists. The shocking thing about the report is that the researchers believe this is irreversible. Even if we were to implement all the 2050 climate targets starting tomorrow, we would be lost. The 1.7 million square miles of ice melts at a furious pace.

Are #preppers egoists? Whether they create a colony on Mars or have a piece of land on an island, it remains antisocial for fellow human beings and offspring. And we're already being so antisocial. Because climate change — which we have given the impetus here in the West in particular — has caused disasters elsewhere in the world. A country like Bangladesh has already been flooded for two thirds for much of the year. In Africa and Asia, harvests fail and hundreds of millions of people are affected by famine. Floods and droughts disrupt countries' socially and economically.

So it's high time for change.
Fons Burger Editor in chief

One minute to twelve, we're going to prep together.

Irreversible, Ice sheet Greenland brings six meters of sea level rise