A thought: MILK

I had a conversation with my brother the other day, we were talking about milk.
We're both getting older and we're using a little more milk these days because we think it's good for our bones.
We don't want to suffer complex bone fractures later in life and really think that milk will support us just a little bit in our strength.

My brother always buys skimmed organic milk and I buy a big box half full, nice and cheap.

We proudly shared our opinions, but we had both also read articles about any doubts about the use.

For example, I recently came across a piece about the fact that milk is actually not as good for us as we thought.
This piece was about nature and animals.
In fact, milk is only intended for infants and therefore for young lives.
Now that I think about it, you do not see any adult animals using mothers anymore, and that is also the case with humans, of course.
Up to a certain age, a baby to toddler drinks milk from the mother's breast and then no more.
In this sense, breast milk is therefore used for infants.
A cow is also a mother to the calf and it also has these pleasures for a short time.

My brother had an addition left after the war.
There was an incredible amount of advertising for milk after the war.
I think there was also a kind of doll and there were also vending machines along the roads where you could buy milk.
This was touted so much that the mothers didn't know any better either.

Attention don't be fooled by me.

Milk was always and still in the five bracket.
This letter has now been modified quite a bit, but I believe that milk still belongs there.
We do need calcium and maybe there is even more in milk that we need, but in the conversation with my brother, the question arose: would milk be good after all?

Yes, a little, maybe, but a lot? What about that.
After all, we use a lot of milk every day with the best intentions.
The government wants to get rid of farmers, so I expect we'll soon get a message that milk isn't that good for us at all, so we've actually been fooled all these years, but I'm quite confused right now.

So what is wisdom.
Am I going to continue with my daily daily dose or yes what should I do?

Is there anyone here who can tell me more or maybe even alleviate my anxiety.

I would love to hear it.

Is milk good for everyone?