Just read.

Then tell me why we did not quarantine in 2016? Why we didn't have to muzzle down the street? Why didn't the nursing homes and old people's homes turn into prisons?


A piece from the article:

The patients who end up in the ICU have pneumonia so aggressive that it has affected the lung tissue. Ordinary ventilation with them is not enough. They lie in an extremely critical state on the heart lung machine, which takes over the function of the lungs. “If they pass through this acute phase, the lungs can recover again,” explains Diederik Gommers, President of the Dutch Association for Intensive Care.

Hospitals have their hands full with the flu wave. ,, Employees run the legs from under their butts. They don't have time for lunch. But the hospitals can still cope with the pressure,” reacts the Dutch Association of Hospitals (NVZ).

More beds
At numerous hospitals from the Zuyderland in Heerlen to the Medical Spectrum in Twente, more beds are occupied than usual. Also in the emergency room it is busier, where flu patients report with stuffiness complaints. The AMC in Amsterdam is more busy than usual because employees have also been cut down by the virus.

Not everyone has the flu variant that makes so badly sick. The dangerous variant is called H1N1, better known as the swine flu. In 2009, it showed up during the global pandemic. Since then, the virus comes back every year.

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It's about corona! Or not?