Our dear Jax! We've had him in the house for a week now. What does he do well and what is it a vice! We are super happy, but oh how exhausting such a little thunderstone in the house. The first nights we got up a lot to make Jax pee anyway. Jax is now as good as #zindelijk except 1/2 accidents. It takes a lot of time to raise Jax and take care of Jax. Jax has to take a little pee about every two hours. Jax is also a bite happy #pup . Everything he encounters, he eats up. It doesn't matter what it is, and he'll put it in his head. We still have a lot to do with this man, but we notice that he picks up and learns a lot of things quickly. He is especially annoying/biting when he gets tired ( #overprikkeld ), but aren't all small babys/children? ;) We will certainly continue to enjoy this #puppytijd despite the hustle and bustle it brings. It really is a sweetheart!

Jax - #Duitse #Herder - Puppy