#joden #jews The candlestick or the Menora appears in the Ephesian letter. This is also a symbol of the famous Almond tree that goes through a growing process after the harsh winter in early spring. It adapts to nature, by bearing fruit.

As in nature, there is no force in human life without knowing it. With that knowledge, we are going to shape the plan to finally tell about it. The Holy Spirit is also becoming more and more, as we are going to look like his image unnoticed.

You can also go through a process of growth if your heart is running wild. Working hard and making too little time for your personal life can be counterproductive. That's the same with Bart. To then in order to visit the GP was a logical step. I'm sure a medical expert has a solution on hand. After the visit he had a satisfied solution: there was nothing wrong with his condition. Until his father died a month later. In order not to fall into the depths again, he visited his family doctor again. This time he had to accept that the mourning process was more important than his full-time job. The advice of his general practitioner seemed to be psychiatric treatment.

A candlelight of the Menora can symbolize a moment of real silence. We want to meet the Holy Spirit. The 7-shaped candlestick has proven its purpose!

Jewish menorah