The coronavirus keeps me busy, too. I'm not the kind of guy who has to flee her house every day so it's easy for me to keep up staying at home. Of course I will go outside to help people for my work and do my shopping. What you can get for groceries because the shops are not replenished by all the hoarding.
I work as a home help and I also have to make good arrangements with the people. If they are not fit I stay at home and if I am not fit I will stay at home until I am refreshed.
I can't risk infecting the other people. Some of these people have already passed the 80 and I am economical with that.
Just like with the flu or a bad cold, I'll stay away until the symptoms are over.

Also, I have to think about my mother... she also belongs to the vulnerable group. I gave her the advice that she should have a round, because moving outside is good for her. She needs her portion of vitamin D because of osteoporosis. When you come home, wash your hands immediately and stay away from other people. She can have meals delivered at home and neighbours want to help her get some groceries. It is not wise for her to go to a supermarket in the centre, because there all people walk to empty the boxes. Is that out of boredom or is everyone afraid there's nothing left to eat?
At various companies people are already asked to work there because they lack hands to supply the shops.
And what is so special about dragging the toilet paper that everyone walks like that?
Or do they use all those rolls for their new paper mache hobby?
I prefer an extra box of paracetamol, liquid hand soap and a thick chocolate bar.
If I can't get anywhere from outside, it is...

For the rest, I hope you can get through the time, when we can't go out, nice and you won't get very sick.
Take care of yourself and the other.
Love and a virtual hug from me... #zorg

Just something else...