#lifemotto I think a good motto is the one I have applied lately in my life, as everyone knows, I left my country like many because of the economic and political situation, a lot of people there are going hungry.
Venezuelans have learned that you have to adapt to circumstances and quickly, so the motto that many of us apply and apply is “if lemons fall out of heaven learn to make lemonade” well, if that is what many of us Venezuelan immigrants are doing, who although many are very well-prepared people, we have gone out into the world and earned a living anyway, making lemonade daily, working hard and adapting to the circumstances and what life is presenting to us, so for now it's a motto that works, that allows us to bring bread to the table, that makes us feel that we can move on, better times will come, maybe we'll change lemons for roses.

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Learn to make lemonade