You were born to create

Yeah, there's the month of June. This year is going incredibly fast. And there's a lot going on. This period affects everyone, from poor to rich, young to old. We all notice some of it. As a sensitive person, it's a big challenge. The art is to come to a bad day, in which you notice a lot of your surroundings. You notice and feel the fear and uncertainty of the collective. The trick is to look for the light within yourself. Because every one of us has a beating heart. A heart that contains so much wisdom and can radiate so much love.

With this card, my eye fell directly on the egg in the paws of the dragon. For me, this is for the heart. Also nice say, how this card connects to the map of the weekend.
Do you ever think you wake up and feel so heavy?

Then go do this exercise. Stand quietly and feel your feet on the floor. Breathe in and out three times. Breathe again and stretch well with your hands above your head. Exhale and lower down. Let your head hang and relax your shoulders. Breathe in and slowly come up. Do this at least 10 times. That already gives so much energy and relaxation! Stretching allows you to release heavy energy. By breathing well, you get more with your energy all the way into your body. That makes it easier for you to hear the wisdom of your heart. For your heart is so wise!! Take that from this beautiful powerful dragon. And receive his light.

NamastΓ© β€” I see the light in you

Love Anita & Spirits

An extensive personal 5 Star reading with these beautiful cards can be ordered via pb. You have an extensive report by e-mail of at least 2 A4 and also pictures of the cards. Costs: 55 euros. #spiritualawakening #ontspannendoorloslaten #liefdeenlicht #boodschapvangaia #boodschapvanmoederaarde

Let energy awaken