As I wrote in my profile chat, my first real paranormal experience was a big one. Here I will tell him.

In the year 2000, I went through a hard time. My father died and after a few weeks I paid a visit to his grave. Then I went looking for the grave of my favorite uncle, a lot further on. I walked past some sort of monument, the grave of a 17-year-old boy who had died of senseless violence. I recognized the name, which is why I knew it. I stood there for a while, it had quite an impact on me. I felt something but I had no idea what. To get through that intense period of time, I had started meditating. During a meditation, the unknown boy came to me. He told me one thing and the other and showed himself clearly to me, so clearly that I could describe exactly what kind of clothing he was wearing, what colors and materials. Everything I got to see and hear, I wrote down. At the next meditation, the boy asked me to write to his father. I didn't think that was a problem, but I didn't have an address. With a phone book and the boy's help, I was able to get the address. I wrote the letter and with my knees I threw the letter on the bus. Two days later, there was a letter from the father in my mailbox. With a beating heart I read the letter, everything was right, but most striking he found that I was writing exactly the clothes of the boy that he had worn on that fatal day. He wrote, no one except his girlfriend, my wife and I were aware of this. I haven't just jumped a hole in the air and found it so wonderful and was so grateful that I could do this. A few weeks later the boy asked me if I wanted to go to his grave at 2 o'clock that afternoon, so his father would be there. Of course I did, even though I asked if I could not meet his mother, but no, it would be his father. His father was at the grave at 2:00. He had already seen me walk and knew I was the one in contact with his deceased son. We have been talking for a long time. He told me he was interested in life after death. For example, two birds were struck with one stone, his father had proof that his son was still there, although it was in a different way and I was immediately understood and taken seriously. I cherish this experience deep in my heart. #paranormaleErvaring

Life beyond death.