#howtodealwith #crestsyndrome #zwangerschap #zwangerschapsvergifiging

Because of my illness in combination with my pregnancy, I had to be on control every two weeks. All weeks our little one was growing very well, with him everything was fine. At week 27, at the check, it was immediately noticed that my blood pressure was too high. (I was often very nervous in the hospital, always been). The gyneacologist said that at the end of the checkup, she would check my blood pressure again because this could indicate pregnancy poisoning. Oh, no... But yes, my blood pressure was still too high, I got a prescription for drugs to lower my blood pressure...

On October 12th in the morning I received a call from the gyneacologist, if I could come to the hospital that same day there was too much protein found in my urine and had to be absorbed. Anyway for 3 days it was told. I walk to my husband and in a panic I tell this to him (who was in the middle of his holiday), and also I call my mother...

Before noon we arrive at the hospital, we check in at the clinic, and have to report to the relevant department. We're being taken to a shared room, and a nurse comes with a questionnaire. It is said (it is Wednesday) that I can probably go home for the weekend. An echo is being made of our baby, it is still growing well and everything is well with him. Happy!

Well I must say that I have not had any other physical symptom of pregnancy poisoning (except for the protein in the urine and high blood pressure)

Life with Crest Syndrome 7: Pregnancy poisoning..