Boom boom boom boom boom boom
This is the heart rate. Mother Earth has a heartbeat. Not on the physical level, like we humans, but in energy The energy waves. It waves from the core of the Earth. At its core you will find a large clear crystal, which pulsates. Those pulses are Mother Earth's heartbeat. Sensitive people among us may notice this.

Boom boom boom boom boom boom

Our physical body can react. You can be more restless, you can have arrhythmias. Do not be afraid of this. You will be protected. It's temporary. If you are in doubt, always have a doctor checked. The frequency of the Earth is rising. Large waves of energy from the Cosmos make the molecules of the physical Earth vibrate harder. As a result, the frequency. The increase is accompanied by energetic eruptions. Physically, we experience more earthquakes and tidal waves due to subsea quakes. This gives unrest on Earth. You can become anxious for this. But know it has a purpose.
People were blinded by a veil. The veil made you feel separated from other people. You got the veil when you were born. You went along in the momentum of society. You wanted to fit in and do the way everyone did.. You went to learn to talk and went to school. There was less room to play. Less space to feel. To listen to your intuition and the gentle whispers of your heart. Less space to connect with nature.

Yes dear people that what you are. You are part of nature. Even though you may not always be aware of it. You're it!! There are many distractions. You have phones, TV, snacks that don't support your bodies. This gives a moment of rest from busy thoughts. But that's momentary. And the information you retrieve through TV, social media, is also going to be in your head. In the long run, it only gives more unrest, more thoughts.

I'm asking you to look at yourselves and your life. What do you do to relax? To connect with yourself? Who you really are with? Do you still feel connected to the Earth? With where you are? How could you do that more?
Go and enjoy what is in nature on Earth. That gives real peace, real relaxation. So in silence you can be yourself. And hear the whispers of your heart. If more people start to enjoy nature, more nature is created. Everything that gives you attention grows! Your energy is so valuable. Do not listen to the thoughts of your ego. That you can't go out. That it's too cold or too hot or too windy. So there is always some. In nature, you can let go of all the heaviness you may have picked up at work or in your family.

Have you ever laid your hands against a tree in peace? ? I've been doing that regularly lately. My hands are gonna tingle. I can feel the energy of the juice stream. I let it flow through my body. Then I feel the heaviness from my body flowing into the Earth through my feet. Then I feel that there is lighter energy coming out of the Earth that fills my body. Then I'm all charged and cheerful.

It's so healing! So fine. Nature heals. Nature gives you everything. Let's all give more to nature. This creates more and more nature. And that's what I'd like to do.. For myself, for you, for all the children, for all the children our children are allowed to have.

And with our love for nature and Earth we hold the world in the hands of Unconditional Love. And there's the hands in front of the drawing.

Dear people, enjoy the Earth and nature. Let go of what you no longer serve. The black clouds on the drawing represent the heaviness of the thoughts we collectively still have about the climate. The climate is changing. That's a natural process. In the 80s of the last century, there have already been scientists who have shown that it is a natural cycle that it gets warmer on Earth. And after this heat rise there will be another ice age. But don't be afraid, it will take thousands of years to come.

We humans can take good care of Mother Earth and ourselves. Then Mother Earth will be good for us too. With our western lifestyle, our disposable mentality, we pollute the surface and the air. That causes our food to be of lower quality. A contaminated soil can not be healthy vegetables, etc.. generate. And due to impoverishment of the soil, the food also contains less necessary vitamins and minerals per kilo.

So if we start to change our way of life, the quality of the air and soil will improve even more. We're already on the right track, but it could be better. That will make us live healthier. Our bodies are getting healthier. We get more energy. The air becomes cleaner. We can breathe more freely because of that.

But know, dear ones, that in the Universe. Energy in abundance is. There comes a time when every household can have enough energy. An invention is being made so that everyone can dispose of it. Then it is done with rising prices for energy. Done worrying about that energy is limited. Done worrying about the fossil energy sources going up. Every household will really be able to dispose of that.
And until then, the assignment is up to me and every human being: Get rid of heavy energy. Energy from the past. Thus, the black clouds of heavy energy, which are now floating above the Earth will dissolve. You don't have to do it to a tree like me. There are so many beautiful methods developed by people where you can release heavy loads. People who give healing through energetic healing for example. Go look on the Internet. You'll be surprised how big the offer is. Go find what suits you and get lighter. That's how we go with Earth. Who also wants to become lighter.

The lighter, the more Love can penetrate. All we need is Love. Liefde voor onze prachtige planeet, liefde voor onszelf, liefde voor de ander.

Onvoorwaardelijke Liefde

Je wordt gezien
You will be protected
Je bent geliefde
Lieve mensen
Laat maar los
Wees dankbaar
Omarm alles in Liefde
Lieve mensen.



#tekening metreading #tekeningmetboodschap #lichterleven #moederaarde #natuur #genietenvan denatuur

Je kunt bij mij terecht voor energetische healing of een tekening met helende energie en boodschap. Look for this on my website

Lighter Life