I'm often labeled “crazy “when I say I'm against a lockdown. I'm not a little bit against confinement - I'm huge, gigantic, gruesome against!!

Ok, maybe a few lives are extended/spared by the strict measures, but what are the consequences? Have you ever thought about that? I don't mean this disparaging, I'm just trying to show you the whole situation from a different side.

Did you know that 12,000 people die a day, partly because of corona. I will not conjure this figure out: this figure comes from the site of Oxfam. 12,000 people do not have to eat and will die as a result - starving.
12,000 - let that figure work on you.
12,000 - that's 2.5 times the Kuip full.
12,000 - not by corona, but (partly) by the measures.
12,000 - that's 12.001 too many!

In 2020, due to the social and economic consequences of the coronacrisis, 121 million people are at extra risk of dying from food shortages. This is the impact of the global social and economic consequences of the pandemic, such as mass unemployment, food production disruption, food supply decline and decreasing humanitarian aid.

Yes... perhaps some lives will be extended or spared by the measures, but please also think of the people of Yemen, Sahel, Brazil, India, etc.

Why should their lives be worth less than ours?

#honger #hongerdood #hongersnood #wereldwijd #lockdown #corona #covid19 #covid

Lockdown and the consequences