Last Saturday we got some freedom back. From last Saturday we can no less than 20 kilometers from our house and that maximum 3 hours. However, we still have to fill in an entire A4 until at least 15 December in order to be able to leave.

We have counted down the days: just see something different from our own environment! There was also no doubt: if we were allowed to leave again, the children wanted to go to the forest! And, of course, the five got what they wanted.

It felt so nice to be in the woods: all those leaves on the ground begging to be thrown into the air and kicked. All those beautiful trees - one still beautiful green, the other completely bare. Five elated children, each carefree and free. The fresh air was delicious: deep breaths and healthy air.

And then we ran into a gentleman.
With a mouthcap on, he walked past us with a huge turn.

The children fell silent. No more leaves were kicked into the air, no more thrown into the air. The air seemed just a little less fresh...

We walked on, fortunately, the children found themselves quickly. They climbed the accident trees again, they ran through the woods like wild monkeys.
“But still, Mama, it's weird that this gentleman walks like this, we walk out in the woods...”
“Yes, lady, it's weird for us, but that gentleman will think differently...”
“Hmmmm..., I just want it to be the way it was...”
“Me turd too, me too...”

#lockdown #frankrijk #france #maatregelen #bos #kinderen #mondkapje #muilkorf #vrijheid #vrijademen #blaadjes

Lockdown through the eyes of a child