In the beginning, I think nobody expected what an impact the corona corona virus would have on our frogland.
Lots of jokes and videos, but I think that's also a survival mechanism, laughing everything away so you won't worry about it too much, and honestly, I'm in it too. Of course I also see that this is not an ordinary flu, but you have to keep laughing in life otherwise it becomes such a gloomy intention.

I work in care, a vital profession, so where other people work at home, take care of the children and do chores that they normally don't deserve, my colleagues and I continue to work to provide our dementia elderly with the care they need so much. Shops are closing, we need to stay indoors as much as possible and people are not allowed to visit their precious family anymore. So does the family of our residents, and oh how hard it falls...

Our residents may be dementive, but not crazy of course, they realize that their children are not coming and ask a lot for them, they want to go home they want to be with family, but unfortunately that is not possible. How nice is it then to get a ticket or to be able to Skype with loved ones?

Two weeks ago my colleague got a very nice idea, a heart under the belt wall! So said done, printed out letters, pasted on the wall and made a call on facebook whether as many people as possible would like to send a sweet card or a beautiful drawing. Family and friends gathered and spread our message in supermarkets!

I can't believe how fast it suddenly went, cards started to drip in, really super fun, but after a few days they literally started to flow in, and now our wall is already pretty full! Of course, our motto now is: The more the better!
The residents really enjoy all the nice messages and of course we also, so we hope to receive a lot more.

For now, I want to wish everyone a good evening and I press you again, stay at home as much as possible and take care of each other!

Lots of love,
- Ramona. - Yeah #Corona #Eenzameouderen #HartOnderDeRiem

Loneliness during Corona.