Love and Light

Dear Earthlings

This information comes from the Acturians. A race that has its origins in a solar system light years away. They are highly developed. They are telepathic, loving and light. They communicate telepathically with each other. They come from a planet belonging to the star Actuaris. They are blue in color.
Anita signed one of us. We have entered your solar system with a light ship. We are here for you to help. We have also known these times. We have evolved to the 5th dimension. And this process is still in our energy. We can help you.

This is a call that you will now listen. Listen to your inner voice. To the fire inside of you. The fire that comes from the Source. The Source we all come from. There you hear the loving voices from the Source. Who call you awake. Waking up from the matrix of the ego/ mind. This one holds you trapped in fear. But this is no longer necessary dear earthlings.

You can return the ego to the place it should have. The inner fire is in your hearts and the place between your heart and the navel. This area speaks to you. Go listen to it.

You need the ego to live practically on Mother Earth. But it may take its place again under the inner fire! Let your hearts speak! Do not be afraid of what happens when you start to speak your own truth. This truth comes from the Source. And you will be protected! Ask us, your guardian angels, your guides, Mother Earth, Mother Mary, the Queen of the Angels for protection and help.

Even though you don't believe it because you can't see it. Listen and you will know!

Over the past few days, you've been working on your brains. Your telepathic abilities have been enhanced by energetic work in the occipital lobe. For many, this was felt. If you resist it, it gives pain to the head and neck pain. Give this pain to us and ask for an easy transition. Then the healing blue energy can flow to you.

Go do all this, dear earthlings! The coming earthly years will be fierce. Mother Earth shows that it can no longer go on like this. You have committed robbery, and it will stop now. Mother Earth will hear this. But you strong souls can handle this. You have chosen to come to Earth at this time. Be proud of this and go forward the messages your way.
It can be through art, through music, through books... the possibilities are endless... go do what suits you dear Earthlings.

We will remain in your galaxy to help you. In love and light. This was our message.

Mother Earth is taking over. This is a message from Mother Earth.

I have kept myself quiet for many earthly years under the surface. I let you live on my surface. I've grown so far in consciousness and energy now. I have contact with Mother Mary, Queen of the Angels and with the Acturians (the blue creatures of the Acturius system)

Our energies have joined together to create a beautiful blue light. This light is very powerful, loving, energetic and healing! You can start working with this energy.

Are you a healer/lightworker/coach/healer/therapist or something in this direction... then you can start using this blue energy. You've just heard from the Acturians that you've been working on your occipital lobe. Through this change you can receive, notice and pass on this energy to not yet awakened/conscious fellow human beings.

Everyone can and can start working with this energy! You don't need an initiation. Call on us. Call us “The Society of the Blue Light”

Anita has received this energy and is going to use it. We called her to do this. She heard this call. #healing #spiritualiteit

Love and Light