
For neophytes in politics like me, it is difficult to understand some country situations.. and in my family those who understand the value being an active part of change, assume the role of real social leaders, and as a curious fact never motivated by becoming rich because fortunately there was never poverty in their environment, and the best thing is that we have protagonists on both the left and the right, as well as each other if they know exactly the scope of their actions.

Some carried jail others in exile, each of them took the pulse of the world in real settings and witnessed firsthand that all this was about trying to improve living conditions for others.

Many readings, many meetings with other leaders, many confrontations, but above all, always forward with their convictions,.. and just as in religion I believe in God but, I do not repeat a speech that I do not understand, that is, I do not promulgate the benefits of Neoliberalism nor do I fit into the communist manifesto with property.. I opted for what I can understand and explain without affecting others' beliefs.. cultural discourse, without impositions but with passion in translating affections into colors, textures and shapes and hopefully in words, those that do not offend and always invite reflection.

I like the genuine expression.. Well for those who manifest themselves in Peace and their Voice becomes much clearer.. my opinion is in the Photography.
Bogota D.C. Colombia.

Photo @Franco Mendoza Photo  

Manifest in Peace and your Voice becomes much clearer