#groningen #wandelengroningen #noorden #dagbladvanhetnoorden #provinciesnederland #provinciehoofdsteden #provincie


Olle Grieze, sits in mien bloud
Olle Grieze, do dust mie gold
Staaist in t laand woar i born bin
Olle Grieze, I bin blew that I know him.

Staaist in t laand where young people started
Staaist in t laand below the northerzun
Staaist in t laand woarthat mien waige ston
Do dust mien hair faster beat

Olle Grieze, that's that noam
Olle Grieze, I zai the so tough
Close mit d'ogen
Bie t schiensel of the moan
Olle Grieze, never frees bie mie vandoan

Sits in mien hair
Joa, sits in mien bloud
Heurst bie mien jeugd
Doe dust mie gold
Staaist in Grunnen, woarthat mien waige ston
Gaaist really never again bie mie vandoan

Written by: Angeliena Huis/Voice of Thoughts
Vertoaler: Bert Wijnholds, editor of t digitoale tiedschrift Kreuze

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